Well, I held my Moving Sale over at LBT today...I enticed all my peeps with the usual signage 'EVERYTHING MUST GO'. It was like a 'Run For The Dresses Sale'...they were lined up at 4am...it was like 'Black Friday' all over again...man you gals can shop! I finally sold the last of the goods...OK...I had to beg them to take most things...no one wanted my incomplete Head-Band I've been building...dag, I guess I'll have to bring it here and keep working on that craft project (d*mn glue gun...burns me every time), but the artwork and photos sold pretty well.
I kept the 'Scale Whores Anonymous' framed Creed to hang up here in my new pretty blog...I'm hoping I can persuade the SWA members to hold our next semi-annual meeting at my new digs...it will be our 1 year Anniversary since the group was founded in February '09 and I plan to do it in style...party hats, streamers...I'm getting tingly just thinking about it!! Musical scales (yeah, not the musical kind) is my fav game!
I'm so hoping that my LB friends will come and follow me here...and if not, I'll be stalking them daily until they come...Yeah, you heard me! You're not getting rid of me that easily...I'll still be around to read and comment on all your shenanigans!
I did resort to bribery, and I'll make the same
bribe offer here...I shudder to think of it, but I've promised to share the horrid *knees buckling* 'Before' (your eyes will burn out of your head) and 'During' photos as soon as I get 100 Followers here. I'm
hoping sure this will take quite awhile
maybe never and by then I'll be so skinny that I won't care what those 'Before's' look like
yeah, like that's true.
Oh, and shout out to Debi...I'm smiling just saying this...she's my very first.... FOLLOWER!!!! I'm not sure how you
stalked found me, but WELCOME! As promised Debi, you get to wear the tiara (for being the first follower)! I was really proud of my tech challenged efforts here to pretty up my little new surroundings (yeah, took me a week) until I saw Debi's blog...check it out: http://hawaiiboundbandster.blogspot.com/
Yeah, the 'Hawaii' word will give you a clue how pretty her blog is...High-five Debi! Now you've got the tiara to match you blog (sending it over)!
Now the pressure is on...someone is following...I won't let you down Debi!
I'm planning to try some new, fun things with this blog and I'm looking forward to the new
headache adventure...today's 'new thing'......
strike out...did you guess?!!
So come on in, loosen your belt (feel free to unbutton even, if your muffin top is chafing...mine is), 'sit a spell', prop up those swollen feet and make yourself at home...I hope you'll stay awhile (I could use the
kick in the pants support), and just one thing...
laughter is mandatory (bad singing together is just a given)...
yes, even at my really bad puns...yes, that means you Debi!