Most years I don't set any, although I have often started or recommitted to a diet in many a January. After a Fall of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and all the food/treats those holiday's bring, January always seemed to be a good month for dieting. New Year's is always I time I seem to reflect on the good and bad events of the past year. No doubt that this will certainly be a year I'll always remember as a very good one. My only resolution last year was to finally put myself at the top of the list and do whatever it took to start getting healthy again.

- I improved my Osteoarthritis and arm mobility with Physical Therapy
- I got my Incontinence (failed sling & hysterectomy) under control…thank you Vesicare
- My DD graduated from college, moved home, and got her first, then second 'real' job
- DS1 graduated from HS and moved to/started college
- DH and I celebrated our 50th birthdays and our 27th Anniversary
- We had an 80th surprise birthday party for my Dad
- We vacationed at Seabrook Isl. w/the in-laws, and DH and I vacationed in Sedona and at the Grand Canyon (my first visit)
- I got my LB and lost 74 pounds this year (plus 2 whoo in 2008)

*Portion of Post Deleted for Lap Band Book

I've got a few personal and family ones I'm setting as well, but I'll leave it at that…

Anyone have some resolutions they want to share?
Happy New Year all!