So much going on here that I didn't get a moment to even post my already completed Bandiversary, my scheduled visit to my Surgeon, my new projects...
...but those will come this week...
...let's catch up on the other important other!
It's the last day of Spring Break here for DS2, and DH took off a few days last week, so thus the busy week. He's got a crazy schedule the next two weeks, so we (OK, my 'honey-do list') needed to get lots of things done...he's got a late dinner today, off to Italy tomorrow with three guys from China, gets home late Saturday night and then has to catch a flight about 4 hours later out west for the week...ugh...I don't miss work travel. He's going to miss my Birthday and his this week *sigh*.
DD spent the weekend with us, but DS1 had some big projects due and finals coming up, so unfortunately he couldn't get home from college.
Saturday was our 29th Anniversary...we were supposed to go out Friday, but I had a stomach bug...and since DD was home Saturday night, we spent it with the kids and made a pact to do something big next year for our 30th.
We had fun dying eggs...DS2's eggs...can you tell he loved the 'tie dye' kit best.

We had a great time watching movies together and playing games...DD peed her pants laughing (she must have gotten my incontinence genes) when we played 'Just Dance 2' on the Wii and DH and I did a duet dance (DH has two left feet, but he beat me anyway because I was laughing so hard).
DD and I did some girly things...painted our toenails...we dyed our hair in honor of Easter...mine turned purple...well a gray purple (I swear, wish I'd thought to take a pic), and not on purpose...and then we fixed it...and I let DD trim my hair for the first time for fun (it kept getting shorter and shorter...and I had to get out the scissors to even a few things up this morning).

Here are the kids...DS2 hamming it up after finding his hidden basket...

DD opening her 81 eggs after the big hunt. Yes, we still hide an obnoxious amount of eggs for each kid (the older they got, the more we hid) in different rooms in the house...and yes, they still love the hunt...I'm sure we'll still be doing this until they have kids of their own.

I made a great Easter brunch (OK, pick your chin up off the floor...yes...I cooked)...with a new recipe for a toasted crusty bread and savory egg casserole...YUM. We had the traditional Easter ham dinner, with some new appetizers (the Pittsburgh potatoe perogies were a little bland...I need to look up a sauce for next time).

*Portion of Post Deleted For Lap Band Book
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