
...and then I woke up...

...and was

Then we all found a variety of things to do, most in small groups; Jazzercise, touring, shopping, meals, segwaying, spa day, and there was even a group that got tattoo's (some even got two!).
For me it was first food and drink...

...No, of the COFFEE kind...

...and talking, more talking...

and popcorn shopping (OMG)...two bags!

...then off to get ready for the 'dress up' event at the Brazillian restaurant. Thank you Donna and Beth Ann (poor thing, just knocked at our door) for not gasping at my nearly1/2 naked body and droopy skin (see, I told you I'd be running around Chicago naked!) as I was first in the shower and didn't want to put on that too tight dress any earlier than I had to...and I forgot to bring my Spanx d*mnit...bra, thong (I'm still getting used to these things!) and tights, not pretty, not pretty at all!
Oh, and I made the unfortunate decision to be lazy on my girl's weekend and not to bother shaving my legs again, since I'd be wearing tights...a decision I would later regret...both when Mom Donna urged me to lose the tights and shoes on the way home...and later, when Barb was running her hands over my legs (OK, more like my webbed toes...first time they'd been called 'pretty feet' LOL) at the PJ party.

OMG, I thought they were beautiful women before…give them a day in the big city and they all clean up well (some had facials and even makeup makeovers...BTW, Note to self: For the love of bling and all things shiny, please buy some powder foundation as your face is as shiny and bright as the flash is in every pic!). These gals were 'aglow' with pretty, glittery clothing and hair and makeup that rivals a TV 'makeover'. The restaurant had a yummy, very extensive salad/side bar…two words when you want to taste more items…and you didn't hear it here…sliders first. No that doesn't mean that I stuffed myself (remember that too small dress I was in)…well, at least until dessert (read on).
First, we took the 'group photo' (I'm on the left...and you can even meet Fluffy, lower left)…LOL, I just noticed that I look like I'm still stalking Catherine!
Here's the aftermath:
and just look at my roomie posing for me...too sweet (umm, and I won't point out how you were 'smart' enough to take your 'beverage' to the photo session LOL...I love that girl)!

Too funny trying to squeeze us all in that pic in tight quarters (thank you Deb's sister for climbing up on the bar…or maybe you're up on the bars all the time…actually, you did get up there pretty easily…I'll bet our Deb's a bar dancer too).

Oh, and I was SO happy that I got to meet Deb's Mom (so nice and beautiful!)…and I told her how much I love her Deb (sorry Deb's Mom…that was a joke before…I'm sure your girls have NEVER been dancing up on a bar!). Love you Deb (That girl is wicked funny! Wish she and I had more time together!)!

And then we ate...I chose just the salad bar (Fluffy went to town...that girl is as cute and as small as a bunny)...

(it had plenty of protein on it) and not the neverending meat courses.

What if I was talking too much and didn't remember to chew the meat well...

I couldn't count on any bathroom stalls being open with this group! I found bacon at the salad bar...MMMmmm bacon...

Let me share the women I haven't identified in other pics yet;
CindyLew, who is about as big (and cute) as Cindy-Loo-Who (just look!).

and Camille- left, who's smile lights up the room (so glad I got to sit with her at dinner...too much fun!),
...by the end of the night she could hardly walk (in Barb's very high heeled shoes)
Meet Robin (right), she's got a bubbly, friendly personality to match that smile! With Vicki and Gilly.
Angie (left)- who always had that huge smile on her face (wish I'd had more time with her), Lynda (you've met, but see, her mouth really does close...or maybe she's just chewing on something LOL!) and stunning Liz, who I did NOT have enough time with either (right).

Left- Nicole again, Susan who is so sweet and adorable, Tina who was one of my surprises...I expected a quiet, reserved woman...NOT (love ya!), and Justine again.

And the beautiful girls; Debi, Beth Ann and meet Stacey, whom I only got to spend a split-second with (right).

Here's the gorgeous Jessica from the Bahamas and the lovely Steph (She's so nice...SO glad I got to spend some time with you at Second City...thanks!).

D*mn, I had to steal a pic of Ronnie...I thought I'd gotten everyone, but I SO badly wanted to talk to her, so I guess I was talking instead of taking her pic...this girl is too cute...love you Ronnie!
I had to steal a good pic of Angela too (left, with Dawnya and Gilly), as all I had was the back of her head and she's so pretty from the front too!
Ummm...I'm thinking this was right after I got to feel Thelma and Louise (she insisted, and yes I did, and doesn't Barb look happy?) and then, right before the pic I asked the also busty Gilly and Camille...I think they're thinking it over...or not...

OK, all was forgiven (hey, I was just looking for that motorboat line), and here's your birthday card...

I tried to get around to everyone I hadn't gotten to talk to before, but I didn't get to spend enough time with everyone I wanted to (especially our planners).
I love this girl and I'm really enjoying watching her journey...she's a lot tougher than she appears (in a great way) and I just know she's going to continue to reach all her goals!

...and can I just say again that Joey has a career in modeling...and she could design her own cover too...do you hear me Vogue?

Making the rounds...

More misc. Pics of all the beauties you now know...

The food was great, and I didn't overeat at all...
...at least I didn't until Barb, because she (or Thelma and Louise) has powers over all men, got our waiter to bring our table some chocolate cake (which wasn't one of the two dessert choices)…and you all know how my first love is chocolate…one bite (OK, I had three bites of shared cake) and we renamed it 'The real reason I came to Chicago' cake (I'm sure they'll be updating the menu).

Then we all sang 'Happy Birthday' to our Gillybean…who also has super-powers…but more about that tomorrow...
And at the end of the evening Sandy Lee (OK, wasn't going to post this one, but yes, I heard you GF, and yes, I'm giving you photo credit) insisted on playing photographer...yes, you framed this just right, I'm looking a sweaty mess from running around, but love how happy I look!
OK I think I shared with you that I decided against wearing those cute brand new suede and silver shoes that were now way too big (once I heard we had to walk two blocks and that the salad bar was downstairs...and thank G*d for that elevator or I wouldn't have had seconds!). I did bring them and I put them in the sisterhood box (glad I didn't 'break' those in). I decided to wear some old more sensible (AKA not cute) satin shoes...my good friend Lynda offered to lend me a pair of her cute peeptoes (you'll now be glad I declined your sweet offer). My heel was hanging off after running around all night (I caught them on a plug outlet in the floor...really...didn't anyone else see it?...ehem...I had exactly one glass of wine that entire evening!), and Donna wanted me to run home barefoot, but I was too vain (didn't shave) to take off my tights...I tiptoed instead, but by the time I got to the hotel...this is what was left of my shoe...
...that's just how fun this weekend was! PJ party to come...
You're messin' with my mascara girlfriend! Love it all, jealous of it all and think I need more than one drink now....
I love how we all have mentioned the bacon on the salad bar at least once!
Chicago streets totally tore up my heels! Crazy streets! I love this post! Such great photos!
Thanks for sharing! Gorgeous pictures!
Your shoe - I couldn't believe that! You were seriously so gorgeous in person and so freaking happy. I loved meeting you! Hope to see you again next year!
Omg...this post made me laugh out loud so many times! I have to admit...this year, you were the blogger I was most starstruck by! I'm so glad you came!!
I can't believe we never got to talk for more than 2 minutes at a time! Next time we'll have to sneak off and have lunch! :)
XOXOXO.....can I just use your post for mine????
Lol, you are too funny!! I love the first couple pictures, and then all the rest too! Thank you for posting so many pictures, I have stolen several of them. :)
I am so sorry I didn't get to hang out with you more, but happy we had some time at the PJ party!!!
Thank you for the great pic of me with my mom and sister and the one of my sis on the bar (hmmmm.... bar dancing could be in my future!) I hope you don't mind if I steal them to share with my family. :)
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