My darling Libby at This One Time, At Band Camp... nominated me for the Stylish Blogger Award. Thanks Libby! I love these awards mainly to read things I don't know about my blogger friends as it always surprises me, and Libby's one exceptional gal...supporting herself since age 16 and putting herself through college! I could barely handle getting my driver's license at age 16!
7 (obscure) Things About ME!
I share everything, so I can never remember what I've already told you (so chalk it up to my 'oldtimers' if this is old news), but here goes...hmmm....maybe more negative things or things you'd hate about me....
- Here's one that Libby and I have in common...I'm not afraid of tools, I love learning new things, and I love home improvement projects. I've tiled floors and backsplashes, mudded and painted walls, designed and help build decks and was architect for our current home...I even built our pond/waterfall out back...but I don't think I've shared that I can't hammer a nail in straight to save my life (I have a black nail right now from trying to nail one of DD's room projects recently) . We have a deal...me and my 'almost OCD' precisely measure and mark where the nails need to go and DH does the rest.
- I need to be nominated for that show "Worst Cooks in America" (yes, I've shared with you my 'creative' cooking endeavours)...I thought it was a new show as I just saw a commercial for it, so it shocked me to find out that it's not new and no one in my family has turned me in...yet. My confession is that I've never once watched the Food Network...maybe that explains my lack of skills.
- Yes, you know I'm afraid of the dark...and I lock the bedroom doors when DH isn't home (the kids are on their own when the Boogie Man comes to get us all)...but did I share that I can't get to sleep when he's away?...I'm usually up until midnight...I'm not sure if it's because I'm such a chicken liver or because I miss his snoring LOL.
- I generally don't like reality shows unless it's showing a talent (like 'Idol'), but my guilty pleasure is the 'Real Housewives' shows...always makes me feel better about myself (sad, I know) and reinforces that money, and I'm sorry to let you getting-skinny gals down, but even thinness, doesn't buy happiness (chocolate is the answer).
- I suck at math...it's like learning a foreign language for me. I was the one who had to memorize every Algebra formula and never knew which one to use when...never got it. My kids are math whizzes...DS2 just announced yesterday that he got the highest grade on the math midterm out of the whole 9th grade. They don't get it from me...they never even bothered asking me to check their math homework (but I'm a whiz at English...you'd never know that from my 'dot...dot...dot' sentence structure, would you)? I aced Geometry though...makes total sense for an artistic person.
- I can still do a headstand...well, now against a wall or with someone spotting me, but even at my heaviest I pulled this out about once every year or so for the kiddos...and my frog stand is legendary...generally because I looked so much like a upside down, red faced, fat toad that the kids would be howling with laughter.
- DH and I figured out early in our marriage three things; 1. that you just need to give up trying to understand what other people spend their money on (I'm know others think we're completely nuts too with all the things we like to collect), and 2. be careful who you go on vacation with and make sure they have the same vacation plans that you do (or they don't mind if you do your own thing from time to time...my one sis and I work this out well, as my kids love museums and hers don't...others we've been on vacation with have to do everything together and only if we agree on each thing.). I would drive most of you nuts on vacation as most of our vacations are go, go, go and we like to see local things...I don't get traveling a far distance and paying a bunch of money to sit by a hotel pool ALL day on vacation...I can do that near home (or maybe it's because I just burn LOL). Now, I can relax if it's just a beach vacation (love the ocean), but even then I can't spend more than 1/2 a day on the beach...and I'm multitasking (listening to a book on tape while doing needlework, or building a sand monster...or if you're there with me...drinking and chatting!). And 3. that as long as DH and I agree on these previous two that's all that matters.
15 bloggers I love or have recently discovered:
I'm breaking the rules...I've been a terrible blogger lately and I haven't updated my 'following' list in awhile. So I'll use this opportunity to ask you to let me know if you're following me and I'm not following you...just leave me a link to your blog here in comments and I'll remedy that...and you've just earned yourself the award...grab it and post! Thanks!