-------------------------- SAVE THE DATE! --------------------------
SWA (Scale Whores Anonymous)-------------------------- Semi Annual Meeting --------------------------
When: Friday, August 21st
Where: Right Here at LBT
Bring: Your Scale, Your Spreadsheets
or your mirror (Lena), and your adventures/tips to share
Alright all you SWA Members (and those that need to join), I'm getting ready for our semi-annual SWA Meeting. What? You don't know if you qualify? Well, here are the qualifications for becoming a member. You only need to say 'Yes' to last one* and 'Yes' to any one other item listed below, and you're in:
- Do you get on your scale often? This can be anywhere between every hour to more than once a week (I'm a daily girl myself). More often than that and you just need help and you're too afflicted even for us (Don't worry Spud.mama, getting on and off 3 times in a row to average doesn't count as too much…hope that new scale solved this horrific problem).
- Do you find yourself trying to wear (or naked) basically the same thing every time you weigh yourself (Julie.Ann…I've been wondering when you wash that one workout outfit for your Wii weigh-ins)?
- Do you weigh yourself, or your clothing/shoes (You know who you are weighing those shoes and it doesn't matter if you don't weigh at home!) before you go to the doctor so you can figure your exact weight (I've found myself going to the garage to get my shoes and weigh in with everything before leaving…and I'll even admit I won't go to the bathroom until they weigh me)?
- Do you somehow chart or spreadsheet your weight (Julie.ann & Sunshine2), or track it on your bathroom mirror (Lena)?
- Do you try to somehow predict what your weight will be in the future? Those with magic crystal balls need not apply (that's cheating and considered an unfair advantage…the rest of us are at the mercy of the Weight Loss Gods who take great pleasure in messing with our predictions daily).

- *Do you NOT want help for any of the above? Meaning you're secretly OK with the fact that you're a Scale Whore?
Then come out of the closet (or bathroom) and sign up to join us!
Can you believe our first meeting was way back in February (time flies when you're busy weighing yourself)? Meet me right here on LBT for our 2nd meeting. So shine up those scales and get your spreadsheets, charts, and mirrors (Lena) in order. Bring your tips to share (Julie.ann, please bring your three different spreadsheets to share as you'll be covering the OCD portion of the meeting along with Sunshine2) and be ready to commiserate with other SWA members! Oh, and Lena requests that you bring a yardstick for an extra fun chair rail craft project (photos afterwards, optional).
*Suggestions and Volunteers for agenda topics now being taken (you suggest it, you've volunteered)*
See you here! Have a great weekend all!
Here's a recap of our first meeting for those who missed it (let me tell you, it went on and on through other's blogs too…)
2/22/09 Scale Whore -
*In response to Comments:
You're all going to make great members LOL...I see we have some help with the OCD weighers! ...and Kathy, we're not here to help...well, we'll help you learn how to BUY A SCALE...LOL (and glad I didn't have to 'out you'...shoe weigher!).