Done! Yep, we finished the outside work over Memorial Weekend...DH took Friday off and we ended up replacing a few more bushes then we'd planned on, and you can eat off our garage floor...OK, you can walk on it barefoot without tripping over stuff and dirt. I've been working on finishing the rest of the Spring cleaning...washing cleaning collections (my dishwasher and sink have been working overtime)...and other things I only do once or twice a year. I can't believe it's almost Summer and I'm just finishing the spring jobs...dag the weather this year! I wonder what people do that live in warm climates? I'm guessing there's no big push to get all these kinds of spring jobs done in just a few weeks every year (good weather is way too short here).
The place is looking good and now we're enjoying it (when it's not raining or 90+ degrees like today). We've even had a few new visitors who appreciate our work...a new frog and a painted turtle found the pond and moved in (it always amazes me, as the closest water source is nowhere close to us).
Oh, and DH wore me down and convinced me that the old toy box/bench wasn't working in the Study (that I thought I'd finished) and that we 'needed' to take advantage of the Memorial Day sales and buy a couch (we don't need another couch...even after giving DD the two old couches, we still have six couches in the house). I compromised with him and we found a chair-and-a-half...and it's a twin sleeper, which will make this room work for extra guests again (especially anyone who can't use the stairs, or an extra kid). It's almost the size of a loveseat though, so I'm hoping it doesn't look jammed into the room (I think that's the look DH is going for LOL)...I'll let you know in four weeks, when it arrives.
It's this chair...

...but with this fabric. DH told me on the way out that he would have gotten the bright fire-engine red (even though he said 'It doesn't match a thing in our house') just because they had it in stock...LOL, talk about wanting instant gratification...I thought it was women who are supposed to be the shoppers?
We've been looking for new porch furniture since April (birthday gift/money from the parents) and finally found a simple set we liked (also on the Memorial Day sale).
So we've got new chairs...come visit and take a seat...enjoy the gardens!
We attended a 'microbrewery tasting' event (over 20 microbreweries from all over the country) this weekend with some neighbors (yes, we took a cab downtown). I had to wear black leggings with a flowy shirt (probably supposed to be a short dress) to cover up my gardener's bruises all over my legs (notice the farmer tanned arms, and I painted my fingernail nubs as the black dye from all the mulch has permanently given me 'goth nails'). BTW weight still steady at 148-150 lbs...
...and DD and her BF were there (and we got to meet his parents there...great people, just like their son).
The last day of school is Friday, so I'll be starting my usual Summer blogging hiatus (yeah, that already started), but will check in when I can (and will catch up with you as I can). We've got several trips planned to see family and a vacation at the beach the end of July.
I hope you all have some fun things planned, as it's almost as fun having something you're looking forward to, as it is to do them!