No, that's not the word...I'm starting with some personal updates (rain for the second day is just pissing me off), then we'll get to the LB, and that other bad word...
What's Happening:

- It was DS1's 20th birthday Saturday. His GF came up for the day and took him to the zoo and then we had a great dinner and family party. Can I just say that my children make me feel old...I just realized I can no longer say 'my teens' in my blog anymore as I now have 2 out of 3 kids that are 20 or older...Ahhh! How dare they grow up so fast and make me feel old...the pain of childbirth has returned to bite me in the butt!

- Sunday DH and I went to four nurseries to buy plants and bushes (all these garage sales have put me behind on my gardening). I decided we needed to redo some of the front landscaping as we lost some bushes from the waist-high snow this some of the planting beds were getting out of control (we now have 10 tiny new bushes...and sunburns). We've never lived anywhere long enough to have to replace landscaping LOL...hard to believe we just reached 9 years here! I also have flats full of annuals waiting to be planted, but we've had two days of cold rain... d*mnit, now I have to clean my house (you can only imagine the mess after hauling all that crap out of the basement to sort)...sun tomorrow!
- Blog Comments:
---Thanks for asking, yes, my patio is still (mostly) brown and shiny (ask DD, she wiped out on the slick surface yesterday trying to run to her car in the rain). I'll try to take some pics when the sun is back out.
---Anonymous- thank you for the comment. It's comments and emails like that, that keep me moving forward on the book.
*Portion of Post Deleted for Lap Band Book
OMG!!!! I am sooo excited for you to reach 100 pounds!You look great and what a great milestone to achieve...will need details on the thongs though...
YOU LOOK AMAZING! So jealous that you're getting rid of so much stuff! And, I empathize with you on not being able to use the garage! I have a detached extra large 2 car garage that also has a storage area built in....haven't been able to park anything in there since we moved in 7 years ago!!! LOL!!! Lots of furniture is in there waiting for the kids to need it....ha!ha!
Yes, this rain has me very cranky! But, my new plantings are loving it!!!
Judi look what is this stuff about you writing a book??? I am so behind...
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