Now onto the main event...Thank you 200 followers! Yes, that punkster is out there again soliciting followers so I'll have to share pictures again... Be careful what you wish for people...your eyes may fall out this time. This is my very warped thank you note;
Three words that strike terror into every woman's heart...Bathing Suit Shopping...never a good time in BG land....but wait, she looks almost...well, happy...

I BOUGHT A TWO PIECE BATHING SUIT!!! No, I'm not talking about a tank top one that covers everything. As recently as about a week ago I was having trouble buying sleeveless tops and now I'm baring my tummy, scars and all LOL...well, at least in the dressing room. I needed a suit with loose shorts or a skirt (remember my bum and back of my thighs are hideous, alright, alright, I'm getting sick of hearing about it too...hang in there and I'll prove it) and DD convinced me after trying on a few, that the 'grandma style' one piece suits that were like a mini dress were too A-line and none of them hugged my best part (my waist, she said) so they fell outward to my widest part and gave me a Christmas tree shape...I didn't know I had a 'best part', but I went with her theory.
I bought the one I liked best...I BOUGHT A TWO PIECE BATHING SUIT! I can't say it enough...or maybe two-piece isn't quite the right word as I've had other two pieces that covered everything. Can I call this a bikini even since it is skirted? Yes, I think I can...I BOUGHT A FREAKIN' BIKINI!
I haven't shown my belly in a bathing suit in over 20 years...DH bought me a 'loose shorts with bikini top' suit for my birthday after DD was born and she was less than one when I wore it...22 years ago (if he hadn't bought it as a gift it would have been even more years ago)! Can you tell that belly and back haven't seen the light of day in over 20 years? Talk about pasty white! I think a little sunless tanner cream might be in order!
I love that the polka dots hypnotize you into looking upward and then they subliminally make you think I might have some boobage under there, well, at least until I stand sideways and the spell fades. It's Ralph Lauren...and don't you love the navy and white terry coverup that matches above (it has another striped tie bow across the top of the V-Back).

Alrighty then...whose going to join me in 'support'...let the mooning begin...
Alright, seriously, that is the BEST suit you could've picked for your body! It is perfect in so many ways! The top does draw your attention, you do look like you got some boobage, and WOMAN, your stomach is nice!!!! Whether you were ever fat before or not, you cannot tell. You look better than I would've imagined with all your negative talk! And the scars aren't that noticeable, nobody will know what they are. The shape is perfect, the color is great! Now you do need to get out there and tan that white torso!!!! :D
Wow! You look great! You really inspire me! I can not be inspired to wear a bikini but I can hope to look as good in one as you do someday. My scars are so much worse than your's since the surgeon also fixed a huge hernia that made me look 8 or 9 months pregnant... I am amazed by what you have accomplished. You are incredible! *Maria*
What butt? All I see is awesome legs and a flat stomach!!!
You look great and that is such a cute bathing suit!! I can't even imagine ever wearing a 2 piece swimsuit...Maybe one of these days! :)
OK BG.. honestly... you look great and which body would you rather have this one (which is dynamite in my book) or the old you.. you look great.. and that SS is cute on you.. I would be proud to prance on the beach with those legs... EMBRACE EMBRACE this sexy new you!!
You look great!
I'm not brave enough for the 2-piece suit yet.
My port is also VERY noticeable and the surgeon has commented several times that he can replace it with a "low profile" port but you know what? This one doesn't bother me, and I'm taking the stance that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
One thought kept going through my mind while reading and looking at your pics - how bloody fantastic you look. I'm not peeing in your pocket (haha thats an Aussie saying telling you what I say is true and theres no sucking up involved! Gross but true!!)...
The bathing suit is perfect for your shape.. the little skirt covers your bum perfectly but shows off your long, long legs (and yes you can tell they are long!)... and I want your stomach. It's nicer than mine..
I think you've just reached another stage in this game - getting game enough to wear a suit. GO YOU!!!!
You look gorgeous, lady. Gorgeous.
Oh well look at you, you little hottie!
You look fab !!! tiny miny!!!
You look so amazing!!!
WOW! What an inspiration! You look amazing. I can only hope I look 1/2 as good as you!
I bought a bikini too! OMG, I'm too scared to be photographed, but it's bright blue with lime green trim. It's a size 17 and it fits!!
You look gorgeous and that suit is wonderful! Especially on you! I love it!
And you are NUTS, lady, NUTS. There aint nothin dropped about you! Not from what I see anyway. I'll be lucky to look half as good as you if I bust my butt to get there! You're nuts, I tell ya, just nuts!
I think you look fantastic front and back! I really dont see what youre talking about...you have a nice smooth non-lumpy non-big rear and thighs!!! A plastic surgeon would prob take your money but I wouldnt spend a penny if I looked like you!! Rock that suit!
Showing your a$$ on the internet....Good job no men are looking :-)
Ditto to everything above!!! You look awesome in all of the pix! You picked the perfect suit...you just light up when you wear it. I read everything you said and when I got to the pix, there was only WOW!!! Go to the beach and wear it with pride!!! You earned it!!!
You look HOT so take off the tags and flaunt it, Baby!
You look so great. I think you need to take how you feel about your thighs and bum and divide it by like 1,000 to give yourself a reality check. I was expecting to run away in horror out of fear of your mutant a$$ (okay, maybe a part of me was hoping you had a mutant a$$ since you look so FREAKING AWESOME - I'm just being honest). Instead, I had to take my laptop and hold it really close to my eyes (still hoping mind you) and I totally am not seeing what you are seeing. DAMN IT! :)
You look so great, totally like someone who was never fat!!! I want that so bad, and you better believe, if I come out looking like you, I'm wearing a bikini to the grocery store!
Perfect suit---You look great!!
You look amazing!!
PS WHERE DID YOU GET THIS SUIT?? or what brand is it??
I LOVE IT!!!! You look A MAZE ing in it!!! Your 'worst part' bum and thighs are FINE!
You've come such a long way - I can't wait to be rocking a 2 piece. Congratulations!
I'm sure you don't want to hear one more person say how good you look (yeah, sure you don't) but you absolutely look terrific. I also got a big kick out of reading this post. It's too funny. But honestly you look great!! Love the suit too!! I hope what I said up there in parenthesis doesn't come off as being unkind. I mean it in the most sincere way
You look so awesome...great suit and such a great tum. I can't see anything wrong with your bum...seriously
Fantastic photos! You should put them right next to your before pics and then see if you think you look bad. Can you remember how you felt before? How does it compare to how you feel now? Amazing I bet. Wow keep on inspiring us x
You look amazing!! Thanks for the motivation!
WOW - you are amazing! I hope that next summer I look as good as you do in a two piece! Congratulations! What an accomplishment!
Ok, I havent posted anything in awhile, but couldnt keep my mouth shut about this one. YOU LOOK AMAZING! You continuesly amaze me! Your skin looks so good, how the heck did you do that? I am just one big stretched out sag bag of skin! I mean seriously, not fair! I would so flaunt that body of yours in your polka dot bikini at some hot beach and make that sweet DH of yours slobber!
Miss you,
Deanna (TxMomof4)
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