Here's one of those two new tops I bought.

Hmmm....batwings come to mind. Now, I know you're going to tell arms don't look as bad as most (or maybe that's wishful thinking)...
Yes, I had to work hard to get that photo angle just right, but look at that skinny, weird, baggy, flap of skin hanging down...batwings. *She sings* "I believe I can fly..." ..."I believe I can touch the sky..."
Well, who among us can say that without surgical correction, doesn't have bat wings to some degree or another?
Except for the one photo that shows your arm at the worst angle, they really don't look bad at all!!
But I agree, we have earned our bat wings and I probably won't do anything about mine when I finally get to goal either. :)
By the way, I Love That Top!!!
OK - you have tiny baby bat wings compared to mine. I have gotten some sleeveless tops for summer, so you definitely should. I like you new top a lot - gives you some good curves.
First up - I LOVE that top. It's just gorgeous and your figure is out of this world. You look really slim!
I, like you, am always careful of the tops I wear and are careful not to swing those arms around (I have the same size batwings!) But you know what? Regardless of if I had fat arms (used to hide them) or now thin arms (still hide them) as you say, we earned them. I like your acceptance of that we can't change (without surgery lol!!)
I love that top... It's gorgeous. I hope to someday earn my batwings and when I do I hope they're as small and unnoticable as yours but not likely... I have alot more weight to lose than you did... One can dream.
Love the top, very classy. Batwings are a fact of life and not just for the formaly overweight. Your arms are fine, you look great and so slim! Thanks for the pics though. Without sharing where would we be? The trick with bat wings is to learn to wave like the Queen x
They aren't bad at all, much better than surgical scars imho! Love the top, you look fantastic!
Think of it this real, everyday life, how often do you really stand with your arms in that exact position?
PS The top is fabulous!
You look terrific! My bat wings are still fully inflated and they still look way worse than that. It is what it is. With your great figure, trust me no one will be looking at your arms!
That top is the bomb! I love it! You know what, who gives a crap about bat wings? You have lost 100lbs!!!!!! I would wear my sleeveless shirts with pride!
Love that top! Totally my style! i can only aspire to have batwings like yours...
Okay, okay...where did you get the top? It is so figure flattering...You are gorgeous in it!!!
I agree with Lynda, your arms look great! No one looks at your arms from the camera eye angle! You rock the top!
Surgery Date: May 25
Girl, my mom has bat wings (my kids love playing with hers) and she weighs 104 pounds. Truly.
Adore the top! It looks like a girls night out top! You look absolutely stunning in it!
Where did you find it???? Love it!
Love that top! It's very pretty. And the batwings, honey, mine were much worse than that even before I was banded, I hate to imagine how horrific they'll be after my band really starts working for me.
You look fantastic...I think sometimes we over analyse parts of our body rather than seeing the bigger look totally awesome...that is the bigger pic and I didn't notice your arms till you pointed them out
Top, courtesy of Kohls, JUNIORS Dept. (oh yes I did) LOL. Thanks for the support gals.
First.. you look great (and I would try some sleevless tops because you hid your arms well).
And I hear you with trying to get away from black.. my closet is the same.. but I did buy a coral top this spring ..
BG thank you so much for your kind words on my recent post.. means so much to me..
I think many of us would gladly take your arms, and the rest of your fantastic figure.. be well
I'm running over to Kohls to buy that top, even if I'm still 40 pounds away from wearing it! I love your style.
Such a common issues! I have not worn anything without a 3/4 length sleeve in 15 years! I truly understand what you are going through, so don't think I am just saying this - 'cause I really mean it! You look amazing in the new top, but guess what - you look amazing in the green one, too! <3
You are doing fabulous. Thanks for the comment. I am born and raised in Columbus.
Love the top!!! Don't worry, everyone will be focused on your skinny self, so the batwings will not be an issue! Plus they are not really that wing-y anyway.....
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